Monday, July 2, 2012

New Phone

I got a new phone today!!! its a samsung brightside! it has a touch screen and a sliding keyboard. its an awesome phone :)


Victory Jam is no doubt the best camp ever!!!!!!! in middle school its the thing you are looking forward too!!! its sooooo much fun!!!!!!! you get assigned a color and one two or none other churches to be paired with as your team. then you come up with a name. then you compete against other churches in the x games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are sooooo fun!!!! then on thursday there is a marathon and thats super fun!! everyone does games and its a race to c who can go the fastest then you go to a huge field and do the snake! then you add up all the points total and you c who wins!!

so this year was my last year :( we were purple and our name was the purple pacmen! we were paired with safe harbor and grace EP! we got 3rd place! :( which we were all dissapointed abt because we had wont 3 yrs in a row!!!!!! :( but i had soooooooo much fun and im really sad its my last yr. 

Costa Rica

Costa Rica was the best week of my life!!! it was so life changing!! i was so sad when we had to leave! i met all these sweet people who made us food or welcomed us into their homes and let us tell them about ourselves! it was soo great i had a wonderful time!

It's July

ok so i got out of school did local missions week, went to Costa Rica right after that then i had one weekend to recuperate then i went to vjam!!!!